Jota-Joti 2019 by Elowyn Hains

Jota – Joti (Jamboree on the air – Jamboree on the internet) is a really fun camp where you go around doing all the different bases like tie dying shirts, going out on the water in a gig, shooting targets with air rifles, using a magnifying glass to burn words onto wood and other things too!camp site Continue reading

4th Benoni Air Cubs Christmas Camp 2018

The end of year Christmas Camp was held at Blue Forest on 8th-9th December 2018, together with 1st Benoni Sea Cubs and 2nd Boksburg. The Cubs had a very enjoyable weekend making and decorating Christmas trees, making and pulling sleighs, icing gingerbread men, playing Christmas Bingo and finding reindeers. Of course there was the usual campfire which had to be held indoors, but was well attended by the Cub parents.

Here is a gallery of fun activities that we got up to:

Cub Fun Day 2017

This Annual event is held at Gilwell Training Grounds along Florida Lake. Over 900 Cubs from all over Gauteng came and enjoyed a day of fun. The day included visits from the army, police, paramedics, Doctors without borders, mountain rescue, guide dogs, fire brigade, Kuselo childrens home, nurses and teachers. There were plenty of fun bases for the Cubs to enjoy. The day ended off with a display from the rescue dogs. Each Cub brought R5 coin to add to a Fleur-de-lis board and about R1000.00, in total was given to Rika, for Kuselo childrens home in Boksburg. A very enjoyable day.

Cubs100 National Challenge 2016 – Onwards and Upwards

The Cubs100 National Challenge 2016 was divided into 4 themes:

  1. It’s all about the Cubs – Cubbing is a programme of fun and activity  – find 100 hidden items in the hall
  2. It’s all about the SKILL – Cubs learn many useful things in the Pack. How about testing your Cubs dexterity with some of these challenges – To build a 100 piece puzzle
  3. It’s all about the DEED – to collect 100 items and donate it to a worthy cause

During this program the 4th Benoni Cubs completed the Cub100 fun program and made a 100 piece block set which was donated it to a worthy cause.

Cub 100 years celebration

Way back then in 1916:

Only boys over the age of eleven were allowed to become Scouts. Their younger brothers were not too happy about this as they too wanted to join in all the fun! During these first years many Troops had either allowed younger boys to join or had set up unofficial junior or cadet Troops.

These junior Troops taught very basic Scouting skills; basic knotting techniques, basic first aid and tracking.

Baden-Powell (B-P) wanted something quite different from a watered down Boy Scout programme and recognised that too close an association between the junior programme and the Boy Scouts would detract from both. He wanted a junior scheme with a distinct name, uniform, own identity and programme.

In 1914 B-P started an experimental programme for younger boys. In 1916, he published his own outlines for this scheme, it was called Wolf Cubbing. So a young boy not old enough to be a wolf or Scout could be a baby wolf or Wolf Cub.

B-P was good friends with Rudyard Kipling. He asked his friend for the use of his Jungle Book history and universe as a motivational frame in Cub Scouting. He then wrote a new book, The Wolf Cub’s Handbook, for junior members.

In 1916 a Wolf Cub wore either a blue or green knitted jersey, a scarf, shorts, long socks and a green cap with yellow piping. Stars were worn on the cap and Sixer and Second stripes were worn on the arm.

The very first public gathering of Wolf Cubs included a Grand Howl and took place on 16 December 1916.

To celebrate the 100 year Centenary , on 26th August 2016, The 4th Benoni Cubs did a ‘Survivor’ program. In this program they found 100 bottle tops and constructed the number 100. They made birthday cards and after that they had a Campfire.

Term newsletter


The Jackal may follow the Tiger, but, Cub, when thy whiskers are grown,

Remember the Wolf is a hunter – go forth and get food of thine own.

                                                                                                                                                                The Jungle Book


Hi everyone!


Oh dear, no one to welcome!! Come on Cubs, moms and dads. Tell your friends how great Cubs is.

Moms and Dads, please tell your colleagues and friends how much your youngsters get out of Cubbing/Scouting.


To James Ashcroft who has turned 11 and will be concentrating on his sporting career.

We will also be saying a sad farewell this term to Giro and Alessio Lopes who are emigrating to Portugal, where they plan to join Cubs too.

Again we have a variety of exciting programmes and events. This term’s theme is “Cubs in Action” Continue reading

Cub Adventure day 22nd August

Hi All

The information is out for this year’s Cub Adventure Day to be held on Saturday 22nd August at Gilwell camping grounds on Florida Lake in the West Rand. This is an Annual event for the whole of Gauteng’s Cubs. The venue is rotated annually to ensure that you do not have to travel far every year.

This year the theme is “Our Precious Planet”

There will be 5 interactive Talks from:

  • Rhino people – they will be selling Rhino pins that may be worn on the uniform – R20 extra
  • Water Board
  • Bee people
  • Birds – they will also be selling pins – these will go on the campfire blankets
  • Pick it up.

These will be interspersed with 10 fun bases for cubs to participate at.

The cost is R45.00 per cub which includes a badge. Parents and siblings R25.00 a tea garden and tuck shop will be available. If you would like to attend please book your place by Thursday 30th July so badges can be ordered and supplied. RSVP Akela. (Invitation and details attached.)

Our next cub meeting is at the hall at the usual time.

Akela Lorna

PDFInvite cub adventure day 2015

District Night Hike

Hi All

Our new term starts on Friday 24th July with the District night hike. This year we are Hiking around the suburb of Farrarmere. Please see attached flyer (below) for more information.

Cubs will be placed in teams and will be required to push a wheel barrow from base to base while cooking in it as they go. This will require a wheel barrow per team. Is anyone able to help out with the loan of a wheelbarrow. The light weight garden type would be preferable.

Please contact me if you can help.

Akela Lorna

Amazing Meals on Wheels invite